Enrichment Activities

At Monton Village Nursery all of our children enjoy a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. Our children under the age of 2 enjoy ‘Jo Jingles’ music sessions every week along with ‘Lingotots’ Spanish lessons every other week. Our children over 2 enjoy weekly gym and dance classes along with ‘Lingotots’ Spanish lessons every other week. These sessions are all run by outside professionals and are supported by staff members.
Our older Pre-School children also participate in termly trips to educational attractions and hold a Sports Day each year.
As part of ensuring that our curriculum is broad we have a lot of ‘Celebration Days’ at Monton Village Nursery. These days are used to help widen our children’s understanding of the world and learn about other people, their lives and cultures. It is our responsibility to ensure that our children are learning about Fundamental British Values and our celebration days really reaffirm and offer the chance for discussion and new experiences! We make sure that we have lots of Charity days over the year and we love raising money for worthy causes – our children especially love dress up days where they can feel fully involved! We have raised money for lots of exciting and varied causes over the past few years, and ideas for who to support next is always valued! We always make sure that we talk to the children about the cause we are fundraising for and explain about our community and how we should look after the people and world around us. The children love these days and fully embrace them, and lots of circle time discussions in the older groups allow the children to begin to learn about different people’s beliefs and lives.
Alongside charity days and religious days we also have one off days to bring our learning to life. This may be having a visit from a dentist to teach us about teeth, to people bringing their pets to visit us so we can learn about caring for animals, to the fire brigade coming in to talk to us about fire safety! These days are always a huge success and the children adore them! We love it when our parents can be involved and will often link our celebration days with a stay and play session – so we look forward to you joining us for one soon!